September 3, 2024

What Is Data Readiness and What Does It Take to Get There?

Data readiness: A hand draws a data-related cycle using a stylus on a digital board.


    You may have heard data being called the lifeblood of modern business, but just like blood needs a healthy circulatory system to be effective, data needs the right infrastructure and processes to be useful. This has become especially evident with the recent explosion of data-intensive products and services, such as those utilizing generative AI. This experience has highlighted that businesses can no longer overlook the need for their data to be prepared for reuse and integration into advanced AI technologies. Failing to do so could lead to poor decision-making, missed opportunities, and ultimately lagging behind data-savvy competitors.

    Although AI advancement is a true wake-up call for businesses across industries, many find themselves unsure of how to proceed, grappling with the challenges of preparing their data for this new technological leap. This is where data readiness is of great importance. It is a business activity that ensures first-party data is accurate, complete, accessible, and timely, enabling it to effectively support decision-making, analytics, and AI. By guaranteeing high-quality, well-organized data for reliable use, it establishes the foundations for a successful long-term data strategy.

    Before we delve deeper, we need to discuss the relationship between data strategy and data readiness. Data strategy is a game plan for how your organization will use data to achieve its goals. Data readiness is about you being prepared to follow that game plan.

    If data strategy is the “what” and “why” of using data, then data readiness is the “how” and “when.” A good data strategy outlines purpose and direction, while data readiness ensures the right data, tools, and processes are in place to execute that strategy effectively. Without data readiness, even the best data strategy can’t be fully realized.

    Quote: What Is Data Readiness and What Does It Take to Get There?

    How to Start With Data Readiness

    Data readiness is primarily a business-value-oriented activity. The process starts by understanding the specific business use cases that the data has to support, allowing the business to focus on precise requirements, and assessing and understanding the current state through the lens of these use cases. Next, the business can identify where data is incomplete, inconsistent, or inaccessible. This enables the business to understand the types of data needed, the quality of standards to be met, and how the data will be served to inform decision-making.

    Once the business use cases are defined and data gaps are identified, the next step involves aligning these opportunities with the specific use cases they inhibit. This allows the business to answer the question: What problems must be solved to allow me to unlock each use case? Finally, the business can create an actionable roadmap that outlines the methods for acquiring, cleaning, and integrating the data necessary to meet the specified requirements.

    This provides the business with a clear and actionable direction, outlining the step-by-step process of deploying the necessary technology and tools for data management. This includes selecting appropriate data storage solutions, leveraging analytics platforms for data insights, and ensuring that data is accessible to the relevant stakeholders.

    Finally, continuous monitoring and refinement are essential. The business should regularly review the data readiness practices to adapt to evolving needs and emerging data challenges, ensuring that the data remains aligned with business objectives and continues to support effective decision-making.

    Common Misconceptions

    As you take your first steps toward data readiness activity, you might come across some common misconceptions.

    We Are Data Ready; We Have All the Data We Need

    While many businesses accumulate significant amounts of data, there’s often a disconnect between executives’ expectations and operational reality. Companies believe their data capabilities are more advanced than they truly are, leading to inflated expectations and missed opportunities. This mismatch results in underutilized data and unrealized benefits from data initiatives.

    It’s common for organizations to assume that possessing large volumes of data inherently equates to enhanced data readiness. However, the sheer amount of data does not guarantee that it is accurate, accessible, or valuable for decision-making. In fact, having more data can sometimes complicate matters, as managing and extracting actionable insights from vast and often siloed pools of information can become increasingly challenging.

    Data Readiness Is One-and-Done

    An easy misconception to fall into is thinking that once a data readiness initiative is completed, your organization is set for the long term. Data readiness is not a one-time project — you can’t tick it off your list and move on. In reality, data readiness is an ongoing process. As your business environment evolves, so too must your approach to managing and preparing data.

    Business needs frequently shift due to changes in market conditions, strategic objectives, or regulatory requirements. Data governance frameworks must be adjusted to accommodate new types of data or changes in data use policies. You must stay ready to embrace new technologies and data sources as they organically evolve, adapting to emerging tools and systems that require integration and adaptation.

    Data Readiness Requires the Latest Technology

    While technology undoubtedly plays a role in achieving data readiness, it’s a misconception to believe that it’s solely about investing in the latest, high-tech tools. Businesses can make significant strides in data readiness without heavy technology investments by focusing on practical and strategic improvements.

    Quick wins, such as enhancing data quality, implementing basic governance practices, and cultivating a data-driven culture, can lead to outsized overall progress. These pragmatic foundational steps are crucial for ensuring that your data is accurate, well-managed, and aligned with your organizational goals.

    Additionally, prototyping and testing solutions on a smaller scale before committing to large technology investments are essential practices. This approach allows businesses to validate whether new technologies truly address their needs and integrate seamlessly with existing processes.

    Road to Success: Data Readiness Done Right

    To illustrate the ongoing importance of data readiness, consider these two business cases: one where we assisted a client in making initial strides toward establishing data-intensive business processes, and another where we supported a client in developing advanced data-driven products. These examples highlight how data readiness is a continual business activity that evolves over time.

    Embracing Data Readiness: A Retailer’s Journey From Manual to Modern

    A B2B2C white goods retail giant approached Method to help them capture and leverage in-store voice-of-customer feedback to inform product development, marketing, and sales strategies. The existing process was inefficient: sales staff manually completed paper forms, which were faxed to managers and entered into spreadsheets. By the time this data reached decision-makers, it was four days old with significant errors and out-of-date, considerably hindering its relevance and impact.

    While initially the business was unsure where to start and cautious of substantial upfront investment, Method demonstrated that the true value lay in aligning decision-makers with the right data and insights. The client needed a single, unified approach for collecting, storing, and acting on data that utilized best-in-class, data-driven methodologies.

    By aligning decision-makers with the specific data points they regularly used in their daily activities, Method was able to uncover insights that delivered the greatest impact on key decision-making processes within the company. Once these were established, we developed a technical improvement roadmap designed to deliver the right insights to decision-makers at the right time and in the most effective format.

    To deliver both immediate and incremental value to the company, this roadmap was designed as a step-by-step guide to gradually improving their data collection, automation, and analysis capabilities. Each phase of the development was closely coupled with new capabilities and values that were unlocked. By offering a clear path forward, we enabled the retailer to make strategic, phased investments in technology. This approach led to cleaner, more actionable insights without requiring overwhelming or costly overhauls. Our approach underscored that data readiness is not about instant fixes but about strategic planning and value-driven progress. Through deliberate and well-planned steps, the business has seen a 50x ROI on its data readiness investments, driven by new incremental revenue.

    Revamping Data Readiness: A Healthcare Diagnostics Firm’s Path to Advanced Analytics

    “Which zip code is most strategic for locating the next clinical study center for a specific type of cancer?” “Can the presence of a particular gene indicate a future disease, and if so, how can it be prevented?” These questions are just the beginning of what can be uncovered with clean, accurate, and accessible data.

    When a major healthcare diagnostics firm approached us, they had all the data needed to answer these questions; however, they did not know where to find the relevant data and how to integrate it effectively.

    While starting with a robust data warehouse or data mart is essential, the journey toward effective data readiness involves much more. This client invested in a comprehensive data strategy, resulting in a highly efficient analytics platform.

    We worked with the client to integrate various databases, data warehouses, and data lakes, all governed by stringent compliance and governance policies. This infrastructure ensured not only data accuracy and accessibility but also laid the foundation for advanced analytics and meaningful insights, driving better decision-making and strategic planning in healthcare diagnostics.

    This enterprise platform became the go-to resource for internal data science inquiries, with users granted role-based access to data for authorized users. While it served as a valuable resource, the need for additional compliance and governance measures arose when developing internal applications and generating external reports. This was managed through the Exclusions System, the single source of truth for permissions and consents from patients, partner labs, and other entities. This system ensured that all necessary consents were in place before using an individual’s or partner’s data for analytics and reporting purposes. However, the data in the system was incomplete and inaccurate, limiting its effectiveness. We collaborated with the stakeholders to adopt a business-driven approach, which helped identify and rectify the critical data needed for immediate use. In parallel, we worked closely with the Exclusions System stakeholders to develop long-term solutions for ensuring data integrity and compliance.

    Infographic: What Is Data Readiness and What Does It Take to Get There?

    Where to Start

    As with any journey, we must know where we are beginning and where we intend to finish. This then allows us to chart an efficient and smooth route between the two. And so, when beginning your data readiness journey, the crucial and often overlooked first step is to assess where your journey is beginning from.

    Remember, data readiness is contextual and varies by organization; strategies that work for one business may not be effective for another. Remember, this is not a one-time effort but an ongoing process. Regularly monitor your data quality, governance, and usage to ensure that your data remains ready to support business decisions and operations.

    Are you prepared to unlock your data’s full potential? Let us help you assess your data readiness and create a roadmap for success.

    Method supports businesses by defining use cases, identifying challenges, and pinpointing the key actions needed for immediate progress. We approach every step with a value-driven focus, ensuring that the data you gather drives innovation, enhances decision-making, and moves you toward your business goals. Let’s transform your data into a powerful asset that propels your business forward!

    Start a conversation today.